Another Chance (a poem)

It’s been months since I paid any attention to the long-lost autumn leaves that are lying in the grass alongside the roads and paths that I walk on. The glorious colour they impressed me with when they fell is nothing but a memory now. Then again, have you seen what frost can do to a leaf on the ground? This morning, every vein of every leaf is highlighted in white—the intricate patterns stand out in shimmering relief—and once again my eyes are drawn in renewed wonder. A few weeks ago, I would have told you that these leaves were far beyond their glory days. This morning, they shine unexpectedly with a new and different kind of glory. Our Creator can make beauty shine from a pile of dead leaves, and anywhere he wants, and long after we’ve given up hope of it ever coming again.

Another Chance

The leaves of autumn
Long since fallen
Dry and brown
Across the ground
Are now alight
With something new—
The frozen work of last night’s dew
Outlining all their patterned ribs
And in the morning light it gives
These fallen leaves another chance
To shine

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” – Ecclesiastes 3:11

7 thoughts on “Another Chance (a poem)”

  1. Seth, Thank you for sharing this poem and the scripture verse from Ecclesiastes. Many people find Qoheleth (The Preacher) which many believe was Solomon, too negative. Those people usually have not read to the end and found his clincher which is the whole point he’s rising to from the first verse to the end. Have a blessed day Seth.

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